E-mail:  guolidoc@163.com
2007.09-2010.07: M.D., Surgery, Kunming Medical College.
2001.09-2004.07: M.M., Medical Imaging Specialty, Kunming Medical College.
1996.09-2001.07: M.B., Clinical Medicine Specialty, Kunming Medical College. 

Professional Appointment:
2013.12-2016.12: Postdoctoral Fellow, Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2012.08-Present: Associate chief doctor, Department of Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University.
2005.09-2012.07: Attending doctor, Department of Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College.
2005.11-2006.05: refresher doctor, Department of Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University.
2004.08-2005.08: resident doctor, Department of Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College.
1. Li Guo, Yong Yuan, Rui Bi. 2016.
   Mitochondrial DNA mutation m.5512A > G in the acceptor-stem of mitochondrial tRNATrp causing maternally inherited essential hypertension.
   Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 479 : 800 - 807.